Archiving and data services

DP-R|EX provides free basic archiving and services for all data stocks that can be transmitted and archived, regardless of which network data centre archives and makes the data available. Legal, technical, and organizational measures are used to ensure the quality of your data, with the aim of guaranteeing optimal and appropriate subsequent use. Data producers can use the following services if they wish to archive their data via DP-R|EX in one of the participating data centres:

  • Conclusion of a contract with the data provider, adapted to the respective database, its requirements and specific conditions.
  • Provision of the data for subsequent use by third parties under controlled and legally secure access management, which will be adapted to the respective data stock and its sensitivity under data protection law, if applicable.
  • Proof of the database in the DP-R|EX search portal, which will increase visibility, searchability and findability of the data.
  • Data curation using a customised metadata set based on the international metadata schema DDI, but adapted to the needs of R|EX research in terms of content and methodology.
  • Linking the data with the resulting publications to provide a comprehensive overview of the context in which the data was created as well as its output.
  • Availability of the dataset on the website of the respective data centre specialising in the corresponding data type with optional in-depth description of the data.
  • Assignment of a DOI, ensuring the data is unique and can be cited and verified in the long term.
  • Bilingual description of the data. The data descriptions are translated into English ensuring that they can also be found in an international context.