Data FAIRness is our mission
The initiation of DP-R|EX goes back to the catalogue of measures of the Cabinet Committee on Combating Right-Wing Extremism and Racism from 2020. The aims of the package of measures are to better understand these phenomena and their causes and consequences and to intensify the fight against racist discrimination, right-wing extremist attacks and group-focused enmity. As part of this, the Federal Government’s data strategy also provides for improved access to high-quality data in the field of research in accordance with the FAIR principles.
Against this background, a FAIR data infrastructure specifically for racism and right-wing extremism research (R|EX research for short) will be established as part of the project launched in autumn 2021 and funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). In addition to GESIS, the Qualiservice Research Data Centre, the Research Data Centre of the German Centre for Integration and Migration Research (DeZIM.fdz) and the (Social) Media Observatory (SMO) at the Hans Bredow Institute (HBI) are also involved in the project. This cooperation has resulted in a topic-specific portal at, which is not a simple research platform, but provides specific services for supporting, searching, managing and sharing research data.