Community data trustee AVERA


AVERA is a directory of actors for research on the dissemination of digital far-right and radical right activities, radicalisation processes, narratives and discourses. It covers actors with links to right-wing extremist political online communication and associated social media accounts, primarily in Germany. Based on the model of a community data trust, the database is created and maintained by the research community in a collaborative effort. Such a central directory avoids redundant efforts in compiling lists of actors and accounts and at the same time increases transparency of scientific research. AVERA regulates centralised access to the database in accordance with ethical and legal standards and performs basic data quality checks.

How do I get access to AVERA?

Research projects can apply for data access if they are interested in working with AVERA. In order to work with AVERA, it is essential that you agree to share your own lists of actors and accounts with AVERA. The lists of the participating research projects are merged in the central database and conflicting entries and duplicates are resolved. The database can be downloaded by the research projects for use in their social media data collection efforts.

Why is it worth contributing to AVERA?

In addition to having access to the most comprehensive directory of right-wing extremist actors and their social media accounts in Germany, your contribution to the database will be acknowledged in a citable authors list. By contributing to AVERA, you also support the transparency and replicability of research on online political communication.

What is the legal basis for data processing at AVERA?

All data processed within AVERA is classified as special categories of personal data in accordance with Art. 9 GDPR. In principle, special requirements apply to the processing of this data, which is to be regarded as particularly worthy of protection (also in the context of research). AVERA complies with the requirements of data protection law. In general, the data processing is justified by the researchers’ interest in researching the public social media presence of actors who have attracted attention through their right-wing extremist or radical right-wing digital activities and communication, and by the high level of public interest in the subject matter and results of this research. The data processing is therefore justified under Section 27 (1) of the BDSG.

In addition, the commitment of all AVERA users to the code of good scientific practice and a Code of Conduct ensures compliance with the core characteristics of scientific research.